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Designed for security

The easiest, fastest way to sign documents online.

The easiest, fastest way to sign documents online.

What is e-signature?

An electronic signature, or ‘e-signature’, can replace your handwritten signature. The adventages for businesses are faster transactions, lower risk, better oversight and visibility. The most important benefit of E-signature is making it simple and convenient to approve digital documents legally.

Is it legal and secure?

Almost every industrialized country around the world recognizes e-signature within the framework of the law. Adobe eSignature services follow most up-to-date online security policies at every step which inludes application code, networks and physical facilities. Take a look at Adobe eSignaturen Global Legal Handbook.

Why should I use an e-signature?

Here are the remarkable ones of the many other reasons.

Quick and cost-effective

Secure and legal


How it works?


Click the "sign now" button

Access the document and begin the signing process with one click.


Read the document

Read the form, then click the "click here to sign" button.


Sign and you're done!

Enjoy peace of mind that your e-signature is 100% secure and legal.


How does signing a document work?
E-signature makes the process easy by guiding you through the document, telling you what to do each step of the way. Once you’ve reviewed the document, click the signature box to sign and simply type your name. Follow the instructions to fill in mandatory fields. When you’re ready to move on to the next part, just click the “next section” button on the bottom left. Upon completion, you can submit the document. One helpful hint: Always read the instructions at the top and bottom of the screen!
Can someone change the document after I sign it?
Each e-signature document is completely secure and protected from changes. In order to prevent possible doubts regarding to security, a copy of the signed document will be sent by email right after you submit it.
My real signature looks completely different. How can it be valid?
It's totally normal that your eSignature has a different look than your handwritten one as it is submitted in digital enviroment. Even though it doesn’t match your handwritten signature, it’s still legal and valid.
But can't anyone sign my document?
You receive a link to the document by email, so as long as you are the only person with access to your email account, there's nothing to worry about!