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Our vision

"Amway's visie is om mensen te helpen een beter leven te leiden. We maken die visie waar door mensen een zakelijke mogelijkheid te bieden die hen in staat stelt te slagen door hun eigen harde werk. Vrij ondernemerschap is niet alleen een Amerikaans fenomeen. De ondernemersgeest bestaat bij mensen over de hele wereld. "

Doug DeVos, Amway President

"Amway's visie is om mensen te helpen een beter leven te leiden. We maken die visie waar door mensen een zakelijke mogelijkheid te bieden die hen in staat stelt te slagen door hun eigen harde werk. Vrij ondernemerschap is niet alleen een Amerikaans fenomeen. De ondernemersgeest bestaat bij mensen over de hele wereld. "

Doug DeVos, Amway President

Our values   

Our belief in people and our commitment to entrepreneurship have led to the following six core values that align and unify us all – employees, Amway Business Owners and the entire Amway community.

Founders fundamentals

Amway’s founders – Rich DeVos and Jay Van Andel – always wanted to own a business and they started Amway to help others who had the same goal. They believed that owning a business was a gateway to building a better life. They created Amway around four principles that owning a business offers – and these principles still guide us today.


Amway appeals to people who want to make their own decisions, set their own goals and achieve their own level of success. We help people find the financial security and careers they desire so they can live the life they want.


Amway offers an opportunity to people from all backgrounds. The common thread is their hope for a better life. We believe people can achieve this with the support and opportunity we provide.


People connected to Amway are part of a global community that supports and encourages each other. The opportunity we provide helps Amway Business Owners build a better life for themselves and their families.


Amway compensates and celebrates the hard work and accomplishments of those around us. We understand true success is achieved when earned the right way: through hard work and helping others.