NUTRILITE Vitamin D is a food supplement containing Vitamin D derived from natural sources to help keep you feeling good and supports your overall health.
What It Does For You
- NUTRILITE™ Vitamin D provides a supplementary dose of 15µg (600 IU)* of vitamin D, derived from natural sources, to support your health.
- Vitamin D contributes to the maintenance of normal bones and teeth.
- Vitamin D contributes to normal absorption and utilisation of calcium and phosphorus.
- Vitamin D contributes to the normal function of the immune system and to the maintenance of normal muscle function.
- Vitamin D plays a role in the process of cell division.
* 300% of NRV (Nutrient Reference Values).
Why You Would Like It
Daily sun exposure of skin without sunscreen could usually provide the daily vitamin D needs.**
Our lifestyles and work commitments mean that many of us spend a lot of time indoors. Opportunities are further limited in autumn and winter due to shorter days and weaker sunlight. Unfortunately, very few foods naturally contain vitamin D, which means that getting enough vitamin D from diet alone isn’t a strong option for most people. As a result, many of us are not benefiting from the full potential of this ‘sun vitamin’ and a lack of vitamin D might become a reality.
Help is at hand! NUTRILITE™ Vitamin D, containing vitamin D derived from natural sources, helps to put vitamin D within easy reachby putting the power of the sun in the palm of your hand.
Facts For You
About 30 minutes of daily sun exposure of the arms and face without sunscreen could usually provide the daily vitamin D needs.**
Very few foods naturally contain vitamin D. Fatty fish (such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel) and fish liver oils are good sources. Small amounts of vitamin D are found in beef liver, cheese, and egg yolk.
A large-scale study funded by the European Union found that vitamin D inadequacy is prevalent among 40.4% of the European population, irrespective of age, ethnicity, and latitude.***
NUTRILITE™ Vitamin D delivers vitamin D derived from two natural sources.
It is made with cultured yeast – a high concentrated source of vitamin D.
Yeast is cultured at a NutriCert™ certified partner facility.
NUTRILITE Vitamin D does not contain artificial flavours, colours or added preservatives.
Suitable for vegetarians.